Alcohol quality testing

Distillates have their own absorption properties. Read here how they help to determine additives and authenticity.

Dr Tobias Pusterla Dr Tobias Pusterla


The SPECTROstar® Nano absorbance reader accelerates and simplifies the quality control of alcoholic beverages

The analysis and quality testing of alcoholic beverages has advanced over the past couple of years - thanks to the SPECTROstar Nano and Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services, LLC.

As the industry struggles to combat counterfeiters, Gary Spedding, Ph.D. - the owner of Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services - has developed a trusted test to ensure that distilled spirits are original. A UV/Vis absorbance spectra of the spirit show a unique "fingerprint" spectral curve - which is impossible to replicate in counterfeit or diluted spirits.

The SPECTROstar Nano can measure in both cuvette and microplate form, providing you with speed, flexibility, and consistency in your measurements.

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