We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: meet beach volleyball enthusiast Alex, our service manager with a secret identity (watch the video interview).
Hi! My name is Alexander, I am the service manager at BMG LABTECH headquarters. I was born in Karaganda, former Soviet Union, today´s Kazakhstan. I am a trained electrical engineering technician. I have been with the company for more than 10 years. I am responsible for tech support and help colleagues out in the field at customer sites…sometimes also colleagues abroad.
What does your job entail?
I am responsible for the technical support at headquarters. So, on one hand I directly help our customers, on the other I support our subsidiaries and distributors abroad. Practically, this means taking phone calls, answering emails and occasionally visiting customers for maintenance or repair. In addition, I am responsible for the organisation of service trainings for new employees and distributors.
What did you do before working for BMG LABTECH?
As an electrician for industrial machines, I was wiring big robotic arms and their control units. Those robotic arms were placed in front of big melting furnaces and controlled the flames and temperature inside.
What is a typical day like?
There is no typical day. It is kind of coming in, having a cup of tea and then just going for it. There are a lot of tasks during the day and every day is different. Sometimes you get a call, and this keeps you busy for the entire day. Sometimes you answer emails or check readers here internally. Assisting the development of new projects or the improvement of established ones is also part of my duties.

What is your favourite memorable moment from work?
The most important for me was the very first day. Coming in and seeing the welcome banner above my working space, all the balloons. It was a pretty warm welcome! Also the very first coffee break in the morning with everybody high-fiving in the company.
What do you like most about your job?
Every day is different. And every day you have to go 100% and more to get the tasks finished.
What do you like most about BMG LABTECH?
I like the colleagues, the friends and that it’s a warm community. And this is quite good. Coming in every day is therefore a lot of fun for me.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I like to spend time with my family – my kids, my wife. And I like to do home improvement and playing beach volleyball … all day long.
What are the values that drive you?
I am very curious and I want to get things done my way. It should be always kind of 100% right.
Where is your favourite place in the world?
I think I do not have a favourite place in the world but if I had to choose one it would be my home, my garden, my family.
Who would you most like to swap places with for a day?
I would like to swap places with Adam and avoid taking the damn apple.
Which individual living or dead would you like to eat dinner with?
This would most probably be my dad who passed away far too early three years ago.
When I was a kid I was pretty sure I’d be a (…) when I grew up.
A pilot and be flying from country to country, from continent to continent.
What drives you every day?
I think this is my family … My family, my kids, my wife.
What is the best advice you have every been given?
This advice comes from my math teacher in 11th or 12th grade. It goes like: “Wenn es schnell gehen muss, soll man langsam machen“. German for: “If it has to be done quickly, you´d rather go slowly”.
If you could choose, how would you decide… either/or questions
- Jogging or hiking? Volleyball!
- Soccer or tennis? Volleyball!
- Coffee or tea? tea
- Pizza or pasta? Pizza
- Beer or wine? Beer
- Cereal or toast? Toast
- Fruit or vegetable? Vegetable
- Book or eBook? eBook
- Pacman or tetris? Tetris
- Hip Hop or Metal? Hip-hop